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Is your water bill high?

It’s great to see that taxpayers generally appreciate the responsible allocation of their tax dollars and lower taxes. As citizens, we all desire efficient governance where our hard-earned money is utilized effectively for the betterment of our community.

The Village of Arlington Heights’s decision to eliminate dog licenses and vehicle stickers, which generate over a million dollars in revenue, raises some questions about the potential repercussions and the necessity for alternative measures.

AH FOIA Request 24-410

AH FOIA Request 24-411

There has been some discussion on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Nextdoor, about whether the recent increase in water bills is related to the elimination of dog and vehicle fees. Some people are concerned that removing dog licenses could negatively impact the regulation of pet ownership within the community, including ensuring that pets are properly vaccinated and accounted for.

Do you have any thoughts on this matter? I would love to hear your perspective.

Doug McEwing

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